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Why Are Subwoofers Important For Home Theater?

  • 3 min read

Why Are Subwoofers Important For Home Theater? - JENSEN Speakers

With so many options available for your home theater system regarding JENSEN floor standing speakers, in wall speakersin-ceiling speakers and more, sometimes it's easy to forget about another element that is just as important to the overall experience that you're trying to create: the subwoofer. Designed to accurately recreate those deep, booming bass tones that made such an impression on you in the local cinema, JENSEN subwoofer speakers are an important part of your home theater plans for a number of key reasons. JENSEN loves bass and we’ve built our reputation on creating quality subwoofers with massive performance to match. That’s why JENSEN has more subwoofers in Australian households than any other brand. 

Do You Need A Subwoofer?

To start, it's important to clear up a very common misconception about home theater system component selection. If you're constantly asking yourself whether or not you need a subwoofer at all, the answer is clear: technically speaking, no you don't. You'll still be able to get a superior sonic experience from any JENSEN floor standing speaker or other options that you select. It's not as if your home theater system will just cease to function without a subwoofer attached, so if you want to delay your ultimate purchase of one or if you live in an area like an apartment where a subwoofer just isn't in the cards, you shouldn't feel bad about it. You'll still be able to elevate all of your favorite movies and TV shows above what you would get from just the speakers built into your TV alone.

Do You Want a Subwoofer?

Now, let's ask the question in a different way - you may not NEED a subwoofer in the strictest sense of the word, but do you want one? Yes, yes - a thousand times, yes.

To understand how important a subwoofer is, let's first understand a little bit more about what it does. Subwoofers are loudspeaker components intended to reproduce incredibly low bass frequencies in the content you're enjoying. Think about all of those incredible explosions in your favorite action film, or those deep drum kicks in all of your favorite songs. Without a subwoofer, you may be able to hear them, but you won't be able to hear them accurately. You certainly won't be able to feel them, at least not in the way that the original artists intended you to.

From that perspective adding a subwoofer to your home theater system is one of the keys to creating the type of immersive entertainment experience you've always dreamed of. You become less of a passive observer and more of an active participant - they really go a long way towards creating a mood and an environment that you just won't be able to get any other way. Therefore, while you may not absolutely have to have a subwoofer in order to install a new home theater system, you definitely want one to get the most out of your investment and to put your local cinema to shame in style! Another advantage to JENSEN subwoofers is their ability to be daisy-chained together to create a wall of bass operating as one.

JENSEN stocks two high quality subwoofers. The Elite 606 subwoofer has 140 Watt RMS and a powerful 8” Monster driver, while the top of the range X-165 subwoofer has 160 Watts RMS and a ground thumping 10” Monster driver. Both are a sleek, modern design and the X-165 has enough oomph to cover 100m2 of floor space.

Why Jensen?

  • JENSEN built its reputation on huge performing Subwoofers.
  • JENSEN have more subwoofers in Australian households than any other brand.
  • JENSEN loves Bass.
  • JENSEN Subwoofers can be daisy-chained together for several to operate as one.

 Jensen Home Theatre Speakers are made just for Australia and are considered one of the best sounding speakers in the country.